
Friday, May 22, 2015

Gender Reveal

We found out the gender of our baby at 21 weeks. We were sure it was a girl, we even had her name picked out. As soon as the ultrasound tech put the wand up to my belly we saw. She asked us if we could tell what it is, but I told her no because I wanted to be sure what I was seeing; I had to hear the words come from her mouth. It's a boy. Tears ran down my eyes seeing our little guy up on the screen. 

It looks like he has Jose's nose and hairline. 

I didn't feel him move until 21-22 weeks because my placenta was in front. I think seeing him on screen and knowing his gender made it more real, so feeling him was easier. 

That night we went to tell our families. I made these scratch off lottery cards. The idea was cute, but it was a struggle for both families to understand what we were trying to tell them. Either way it was fun to share the news with everyone.