Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 9/52

Car seat tech here loving a good car seat shot. I love my chubby, bald baby. Niko had a NICU follow-up appointment at Primary Children's Hospital. Everything is going well. No real concerns at this time. He has a little twitch in his right foot and his left foot is tight, but still within normal range. 

He's so determined.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week 8/52

Niko is a big guy, four months fitting nicely in 9 month clothes. My mom takes such good care of my babies. She bought Niko this toy. He's really reaching and loving dangling things.
I never second guess myself in the moment, but afterwards I wonder if I'm too relaxed with him. I don't think I am. I truly believe in letting him explore the world without me nagging him every moment to eat, to be careful, to stop doing that, etc. This day he didn't sit still to eat his pizza, he'd take breaks and explore what was around him and that's great, because we were out on an adventure.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Week 7/52

Niko is growing beautifully. This was his 4 month appointment. He has an early intervention nurse and physical therapist come monthly to check him. We do follow up appointments at Primary Children's Hospital every few months.
Che is so attached to me, but he is always watching his dad. He's obsessed with guns. He likes to put dad's work boots on and say, "I'm Jose, " and "I'm going to work." I hope he has many more fishing days with his dad.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Week 6/52

He knows where the park is and always wants to take off in that direction. I tell him not without adult and he does his little evil laugh he learned from PJ Masks and keeps driving. I wonder what goes on in his mind, he's so smart and grumpy.

He's getting so strong. He does not like to be in his Mamaroo very much, but if I prop him up on the couch he stays content for awhile. He gets in screaming moods and it's so cute to watch and hear him.