
Friday, February 17, 2012

Sister Gamon

A week ago Sister Gamon was laid to rest. I’ve known her my whole life through church. Because of her I am blessed to have her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in my life. I went to honor her life and to support and reunite with friends I haven’t seen in years. It’s crazy how fast time passes and how you outgrow each other. Don’t assume outgrow to have a negative connotation. Looking back at the time when certain friendships were the strongest was because I needed their love and support to grow during that time of my life. I’ve been going through old pictures of times spent with these friends and can hardly believe some are from five years ago. I really miss them.

It’s funny, I always heard older Apostolics warning us to enjoy our youth, but when I was young I thought it would never end, we’d never grow apart from God or our friends. Now we’re all scattered and life isn’t as carefree with all of the added responsibilities.

Sister Gamon’s granddaughter sang a song at the funeral service called I Never Lost My Praise. If you get a chance listen. It talks about how through change we lose friends, loved ones, go through disappointments and crisis, but one thing never changed-hope, joy, faith and praise. The one I feel the strongest connection with is Joythe emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation. Life is good and I am blessed beyond comprehension. Being joyful is my action of gratitude for all that I have.

Seeing the hurt on my friend’s faces because they lost their grandma scared me. I know the time is coming that mine will have to leave too. I do my best to call them every day to just say hi and see how their day went, because I want them to know I love and respect them. The thing I’m dreading most about their funerals is the fake ones who will be bawling their eyes out, but never even came to visit or made a genuine phone call for something other than money. I worry that my way of expressing my emotions will be by being an asshole. I hope that’s not the case, that I can present myself with dignity  and remember that it’s not about anyone else, it’s about honoring my grandparents.

That’s enough about my nostalgia, joy, and bitterness. Here are some photos of old times with Sister Gamon's family and documentation of my grandparents in February 2012.

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