Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I've never gotten around to writing about how much I like my job. I've been working my ass off and I'm tired, but fulfilled.

Monday was day one of our big system conversion to the program I went to Sioux Falls to learn about.  I went in Saturday until midnight to help get things ready. Everything so far in our loans department is going smoothly.

The deposits department is a different story. 

I know there was no way to fully predict what might not work, but holy shit, I don't think anyone was expecting the chaos we've been having for the past few days. All departments have been trying to filter customer service calls because the queues are filled to capacity and no one can get through for help. It feels good to do CS calls, it's been over a year since I moved to the loans department. Most of the customers I helped were understanding, but there were a few that tested my composure. Poor Denise(my boss) was so overwhelmed she bursted into tears and was sent home early. It has been frustrating and I can feel the tension in my shoulders, but I love my job. I made cookies to take tomorrow. It helped me relieve some stress and everyone deserves a treat for all of their hard work.

I like to wear my Guatemalan apron
Today the Health Department called to see if I wanted to come for an interview for a Health Educator position, I declined, my loyalty is to TAB-they treat me good.  I want the health education experience, but it's not something that is going to work for me right now. I just got accepted into graduate school, Weber's Masters of Professional Communication program. I'm not quite sure where I want to take myself, the major is broad which allows each student to choose their focus. My thoughts are to either continue with health education or do something relating to business. Along with my acceptance letter came two assignments. What a wonderful way to welcome us.

My weekend was busy. I got off at about 6:00 PM on Friday and went over to the hospital to see Angel's new baby. While I was there Stela texted me that she was at the hospital with her baby because he had RSV. Same hospital, so I told her I'd meet her in a bit. I kind of felt in the way, but I just wanted to check on her and the baby. I'm still not past my dislike for Aaron, but from what I see he's a great dad who loves his kids. He also had a Jazz hat on so that's a step in the right direction ha ha.  They're out of the hospital and he's doing better.

So sad, makes me not want kids. He had his mocos sucked out and an IV put in. 
I left the hospital about 8:00 PM to get ready for my date with Ashely. She was supposed to take me to Andy's to eat greek, but we ended up at the Copper Club.  There was a lot of diversity at the club, from cowboys to gangstas, maybe because options are limited in O-town. I saw plenty of familiar faces. It was my first time there and I liked it.

While I was at the hospital I got a call from AGP who was drunk and could possibly need a ride. I never heard from him again. I saw a post on FB from his friend trying to raise money to get him out of jail. This is his second time in about a month. He's screwed! I ignored his calls all night and the next day, pretty tired of trying to help. Still love him though.

Finally went to bed around 3:00 AM then woke up at 9:00 AM for breakfast with my grandparents. We went to Dee's. Yum! Yum!

I went to Yoga at 11:00 AM and then stopped by to visit Kiki & Family.

3:00 PM I had sushi with Taylor & Amanda, friends from jr high/high school.  It was a good time, but not enough time, I had to be to work by 5:00 PM until midnight.

I've had way too busy of a schedule so Sunday I didn't leave the house. I slept until 3:00 PM then just lounged around catching up on Pretty Little Liars.

Now I just need to get past week 1 of the conversion, look how messy my desk is. Full of sticky notes.

Just a few more things...  

I celebrated Fat Tuesday with Sarah. We went out for ice cream at Farr's Fresh, where you pay by the ounce. I thought it was so funny when I asked Sarah why she didn't fill her cup up, she said because she didn't want me to have to pay to much, OK sure I'll pay! LOL 

I've seen chairs like this around work and of course no one wants to sit on them because it looks liked they've been pissed on. 
Well I now have a pee chair. The ice pack I had on my back leaked. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dirty Sensor

I was taking photos last week for my FebPhotoADay post and  noticed a black speck in all of my pictures. I dropped it off at The Imaging Depot to have it cleaned for $35.00. Anyone out there know if that’s too pricey? I read that it’s bad to do it yourself so I will pay. I didn’t really compare prices because I was in hurry to get to a shop after work, they all close fairly early.  I just want my camera back so I can get out there and shoot because it’s a gorgeous day. 

Can you spot the spot?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Photo A Day

As you may know I don't go anywhere without a camera and when I'm really into taking pics I bust out all three, my DSLR, point-&-shoot and phone. I take pictures daily and thought it would be fun to have a focus each day. I hope to improve my creativity and photography skills.

1. Your View Today
I discovered this challenge a day late and this was the only picture I took on the 1st of February. After work I ran into Walmart to buy a few things to make tostadas de jaiba for dinner. We also needed bread so I grabbed a loaf. I was starving so I ate a slice in the parking lot.

2. Words
Words don't describe how ridiculously priced this shirt/dress is. $118.

3. Hands
I took a lot of pictures today while I was babysitting my niece and nephew, but I forgot to focus on hands. Here's all I could come up with. 
Busy Hands
4.  A Stranger

5.  10AM
Still in bed at ten o' clock. This was the closest thing to me.

Jose's phone
6. Dinner
Tonight we celebrated my dad's 49th birthday. 

7. Button(s)
I save all the extra buttons that come with my clothes. I never use them, mostly because I misplace them and because I've not had my buttons ripped open. 

8. Sun
It was overcast in Ogden all day and then it started snowing. The snow was enough to clear up the sky and I was able to snap this picture after work. 

9. Front Door
This is my front door, don't hesitate to knock and come visit me. 

10. Self Portrait
Today was Sister Gamon's funeral. 

11. Makes You Happy
The only pic I took today was of an old pic so I could send it to Tiffany. It's of my little cousins. One thing that makes me happy is little kids. 

12. Inside Your Closet 
This is one of our closets Jose built. We have another one downstairs for more shoes, coats, dresses, and season clothing. I'm super anal about color coordinating my clothes.

13. Blue
I work in the loan department at TAB Bank financing semi-trucks and trailers. I snapped this shot of a model truck I have at my desk. 

14. Heart
Today is my 24th birthday and Valentine's day. My favorite cake is yellow with chocolate frosting. 

15. Phone 
I feel like I've been taking a lot of pics at work and here's another one. 

16. Something New
New shoes! 

17. Time 
I didn't think I took any pictures today that represented time, but as I looked through I found this one. I was compiling pictures for another post and this is what I jotted down. 

18. Drink
How perfect today was my friend Ana's 21st birthday and we definitely had drinks. 

19. Something I Hate To Do
I HATE driving in SLC with all of the damn center medians. I hate having to U-Turn and backtrack because these shits are in the way. 

20. Handwriting
I took this picture of a note I left for Jose. I put it right where he wouldn't miss it. 

21. A Fav Photo of You

22. Where You Work

23. Your Shoes

24. Inside Your Bathroom Cabinet

25. Green

26. Night
Good night

27. Something You Ate
Have I mentioned my favorite snack is almonds.

28. Money
This is a crappy pic of a Comchek. I work with these at TAB and Jose gets paid by Comchek. 

29. Something You Are Listening To
I've had this song on repeat all month. 
Si No Te Hubieras Ido by Marco Antonio Solis

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sister Gamon

A week ago Sister Gamon was laid to rest. I’ve known her my whole life through church. Because of her I am blessed to have her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in my life. I went to honor her life and to support and reunite with friends I haven’t seen in years. It’s crazy how fast time passes and how you outgrow each other. Don’t assume outgrow to have a negative connotation. Looking back at the time when certain friendships were the strongest was because I needed their love and support to grow during that time of my life. I’ve been going through old pictures of times spent with these friends and can hardly believe some are from five years ago. I really miss them.

It’s funny, I always heard older Apostolics warning us to enjoy our youth, but when I was young I thought it would never end, we’d never grow apart from God or our friends. Now we’re all scattered and life isn’t as carefree with all of the added responsibilities.

Sister Gamon’s granddaughter sang a song at the funeral service called I Never Lost My Praise. If you get a chance listen. It talks about how through change we lose friends, loved ones, go through disappointments and crisis, but one thing never changed-hope, joy, faith and praise. The one I feel the strongest connection with is Joythe emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation. Life is good and I am blessed beyond comprehension. Being joyful is my action of gratitude for all that I have.

Seeing the hurt on my friend’s faces because they lost their grandma scared me. I know the time is coming that mine will have to leave too. I do my best to call them every day to just say hi and see how their day went, because I want them to know I love and respect them. The thing I’m dreading most about their funerals is the fake ones who will be bawling their eyes out, but never even came to visit or made a genuine phone call for something other than money. I worry that my way of expressing my emotions will be by being an asshole. I hope that’s not the case, that I can present myself with dignity  and remember that it’s not about anyone else, it’s about honoring my grandparents.

That’s enough about my nostalgia, joy, and bitterness. Here are some photos of old times with Sister Gamon's family and documentation of my grandparents in February 2012.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What's That Smell?

Don’t you hate when someone heats up some rank smelling item and the whole office is bombed with the stink? I swear last week someone heated up fish and it seriously made my stomach ill. I’m not weak when it comes to smells or unsightly things, but I felt queasy.

So maybe today I’m guilty of being that person. I heated up clam chowder soup. I couldn’t smell a thing, but the Vice President of our department walked out and asked if someone heated up a dirty diaper. Ha ha ha. I was quick to hide my bowl. I know it’s some kind of office commandment to refrain from heating up foods that smell unpleasant to others, but you know what I enjoyed my offensive clam chowder and will probably do it again. Sorry all.