Friday, November 2, 2018

Gratitude Time of Year

I know gratitude should be cultivated all year long but there's something about after having a fun Halloween and before Christmas taking the time to be Thankful that I love. I suck at gratitude and I know if I try to recognize it more I'd be in a better place.

I'm following two this season. One is a gratitude journal present by my employee wellness program. The second is a photo challenge by Positively Present. I recently discovered her IG account and love her work.



Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Week 23/52

 Time spent in the Explorer

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Week 22/52

He wanted to pump some milk for Niko
Many business do swim parties for client appreciation. We' been to one for Niko's NICU reunion, 2 for dentists, and one coming up with the midwife that delivered Niko.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Week 21/53

My little Jose

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Week 20/52

So many rolls. It's been a rough week for my babe. Fussy and feverish from teething.

Jose took Che to the barber he's been going to since he was 18. Che has always been good at getting haircuts. The hum of the clippers put I'm to sleep.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Week 19/52

 We're so lucky to live close to trails. Che is a good little driver.
Niko could care less about nursing and it's all Che thinks about.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Week 18/52

Che can be sweet to Niko sometimes. Holding hands.

I took the carrier in for Niko, but my big boy wanted in. It actually worked well because he wasn't touching everything. Aren't his boots cute?

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Week 17/52

My mom's needed a lot of breaks lately from babysitting so I've been sending the kids to Taylor's and Sis. Angulo's. This is a rare photo of Che being nice to his younger cousin Julian.

Cloth diapered baby

Friday, June 8, 2018

Week 16/22

Rough night, that we had to sleep on the couch. It was actually a rough month. I put Che in preschool 1 day a week and every week he brought sickness into our home. It spread all around and made it's way into my parents home too. It felt like we were never going to get better. My dad said maybe someone performed brujeria on us, and I started to believe him. After about a month I canceled preschool. Some other time, when I don't have baby with compromised lungs and a new job, he can try again.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Week 15/52

I love his round face. This is Niko and his cousin Scarlett, who is 11 days younger than him.

Che is an animal lover. He didn't get that from me.  His favorites are cats and dogs. I ask him who is best friend is and he says my parents' cat Solo Vino.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 14/52

Niko is such a cutie! I absolutely love him. We went to the Memorial Day Sale at Savers and ran into Josie and Genevieve. Niko got some Garcia kisses.
My high school math teacher came up to me and said hi too. I was so happy to see him and impressed he remembered me. I'd say that that was one teacher who inspired me, not because he offered any individual attention, but because he was a good teacher, his class was a safe space where I felt comfortable, he swore, didn't put up with any bullshit and I made friends in there with a variety of kids. Ok, that was a tangent not about my child in the photo, but it all connects. 

All I ever want is to have family time on our days off and go on adventures. Jose, with no nagging said, "let's go to Bear World in Idaho." I said no at first because I had already committed to going to my friend's daughter's birthday party. As I thought about it I had to choose my family. It feels very rare that Jose wants to do things like this so I wasn't going to pass it up. I love long drives and exploring. It was a great weekend. Che loves to wear boots like his dad.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Week 13/52

I love seeing them interact and play together, even if it was just for a moment in this photo. Sometimes Che is so sweet and will play with Niko. Niko love Che. He watches him with wide, excited eyes and reaches out to him.

Playing with Grandpa Alfredo. My dad calls or texts everyday asking how the kids are or what they're doing. It's very nice of him.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week 12/52

Niko & his Papi Angulo
Boy loves sticking his tongue out. It sure gets a rise out of my dad and grandpa. They need to chill.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Week 11/52

Look at those rolls.

Che experienced his first thunder and lightening storm. This is a photo captured from a video. I love seeing him experience new things. I'm glad Dad was home so we could all enjoy it together.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Week 10/52

We got this book in the NICU, Meet Wild Boars. They're naughty. I read it to Che but recently he's been really interested in pointing and saying their names and discussing what they're doing. I love it.

This was a hard weekend. I had a 3 day overnight training and had to leave my babies with my mom. She is amazing. I missed my little muggle.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 9/52

Car seat tech here loving a good car seat shot. I love my chubby, bald baby. Niko had a NICU follow-up appointment at Primary Children's Hospital. Everything is going well. No real concerns at this time. He has a little twitch in his right foot and his left foot is tight, but still within normal range. 

He's so determined.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week 8/52

Niko is a big guy, four months fitting nicely in 9 month clothes. My mom takes such good care of my babies. She bought Niko this toy. He's really reaching and loving dangling things.
I never second guess myself in the moment, but afterwards I wonder if I'm too relaxed with him. I don't think I am. I truly believe in letting him explore the world without me nagging him every moment to eat, to be careful, to stop doing that, etc. This day he didn't sit still to eat his pizza, he'd take breaks and explore what was around him and that's great, because we were out on an adventure.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Week 7/52

Niko is growing beautifully. This was his 4 month appointment. He has an early intervention nurse and physical therapist come monthly to check him. We do follow up appointments at Primary Children's Hospital every few months.
Che is so attached to me, but he is always watching his dad. He's obsessed with guns. He likes to put dad's work boots on and say, "I'm Jose, " and "I'm going to work." I hope he has many more fishing days with his dad.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Week 6/52

He knows where the park is and always wants to take off in that direction. I tell him not without adult and he does his little evil laugh he learned from PJ Masks and keeps driving. I wonder what goes on in his mind, he's so smart and grumpy.

He's getting so strong. He does not like to be in his Mamaroo very much, but if I prop him up on the couch he stays content for awhile. He gets in screaming moods and it's so cute to watch and hear him. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

One-on-One Time

Yesterday was a fun day. My mom asked to watch Niko so they could have some bonding time. I dropped him off in the morning and picked up my grandpo, to come to the senior center with me. Che stayed with Jose and got all of the attention, something that doesn't happen much for him anymore. 

Here are set of photos from 3 different perspectives. 

On the way in we grabbed McDonald's breakfast that we ate together in my office. Then, he was off to workout. After working out he had a donut and coffee in the dining room while meeting new people. He hit the treadmill one more time. I popped a bag of popcorn that he really enjoyed. My hopes are that we can continue this routine, I drop the kids off to my mom and pick him up. 
He got to spend the day with grandma. I gush about Niko all day so I"ll save it, but here are a few pics from his day. 

They went to eat tacos, got haircuts and played in the tub. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 5/52

I always thought I'd start cooking when I had kids. I never really dreamed of a wedding or family, but could envision family dinners because that's one thing I loved from my childhood. Thus far I haven't done that great. I loved nursing and resisted feeding solids as long as I could because it's so much work feeding a kid. When I'm around Che drinks a lot of chichi and doesn't eat a lot of real food so I'm working on that. 
Look at that beautiful baby. He doesn't seem to love being worn and the sleepy dust doesn't work as easily on him, but we'll practice. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Week 4/52

I'm glad my kids have people who love them. My dad calls Che everyday or sends a text asking how the kids are doing. 

Week 3/52

My little Niko is so sweet. I love that squishy face. This photo was taken on my last day of maternity leave. We had a bit of a struggle getting him to take a bottle but he finally did it. Sorry baby that I'm leaving you, but I know the time spent with your dad will be priceless. 
Che is starting to play more independently. I love listening to his imagination.