Monday, November 26, 2012

Uneasy Wife/Adventurous Husband

Ever since Jose got laid off I've entertained his idea that he was going to ride his motorcycle to California. I didn't take him seriously because it was getting closer and closer to winter. It's actually been fair weather here, no rain or snow, so he packed his bag and headed out today. The thing about Jose is he isn't the type to plan, so off he went and will come back when he's ready. 

I am extremely independent and I like my alone time, but this feels different than when we're separated for work. I tossed and turned all night, he kept asking me if I was okay. I know that subconsciously I was worried that my husband was riding 689 miles on a motorcycle in November. I kept hoping that he wouldn't end up going, but I wasn't going to say he couldn't. He wants to spend time with his family, old friends, and meet River. His nephew Jimmy has been waiting for him for months so he'll be so excited when he sees him pull up. 

The last time I heard from him was around 4:30 pm,  when he was in Beaver, UT. I assume he's going to make it to Vegas and spend the night at his aunt's. I won't be able to sleep until I hear from him. 

When I got home I saw this sweet note on the table. 
It's tear stained. Ha j/k it's water. 
Because you need a visual.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Dinner

We didn't make it over to Jose's mom's on Thanksgiving, because we were at my mom's for a long time, and partly because we were avoiding Aaron. We went over the day after for leftovers, Jose's dad does not like any type of fowl, so no turkey at their house. My MIL made birria, beans, hand-made corn tortillas, and ham.

Stela came over with the kids and we really enjoyed ourselves. I know Jose was as happy as I was after spending time Stela and the kids. It's been over 9 months since we've all been in the same room together. I often hope that the joy we feel when we're with them is enough to carry on and let us accept Aaron, because I can't imagine Christmas without all of us together.

Thanksgiving At The Perea's

We didn't end up making it to California for Thanksgiving. I was really looking forward to spending time with the Angulo's but plans changed since my in-laws are working on finishing their basement for Christmas guests. Jose and I considered going anyway, but since we'll be going in two weeks for Jose's birthday we decided to combine the Thanksgiving travel money and Jose's birthday trip money into one big pot so we can celebrate his birthday right. 

I quickly got over the disappointment when I realized I would get to spend Thanksgiving in Utah with my Perea family. I've spent more Thanksgivings away from my parents than with them and almost always because I was in California. When I was younger it was for convention and now that I'm older it's been with Jose' family. 

One of my most treasured things is having family dinner. All of the usuals were invited(Kiki, Nene, Sophee, Keisha, grandparents, parents, Bro, Randy & family), we were missing Kik's wife and kids because they're in Mexico visiting her family. 

This Thanksgiving my uncle Tommy and his family came to dinner. They've grown by two son-in-laws and two babies on the way, both due in May. As I mentioned when I was younger I used to spend a lot of Thanksgivings in California for convention and this was the family I spent them with. It was nice to be with them for another Thanksgiving, this time at home rather than Del Taco. 

Rachel, Stella, & Stephanie
The son-in-laws Daniel & Marcelo
I felt like it was a little awkward and quiet at first, but once my grandpa saw all of the bottles coming through the front door he started ripping into us 3.2's, as he likes to call us. My mom makes everyone go around the table and say what they're thankful for. Jose hates it and warned me that he'd leave as soon as she started it. Jose did such a good job and is thankful for his wife and favorite suegro. I loved hearing from everyone and what they are thankful for. Just about everyone said family, but I wanted to switch it up. I am thankful for my family, but I'm really thankful to have a job, because there are several in my family that have recently lost their jobs
Me and my dad
Kiki & Brother
We stayed at my mom's from 1-9:30 PM. It was a long time, but a lot of fun. I'm happy we were able to get together. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

River Silas Martinez

He's finally here! Jose's best friend and wife announced on April Fool's day that they were going to be parents.You can imagine how hard that was to believe, but after Natalie refused a drink we knew it had to be true, because WHY would Natalie refuse a drink?

I know we were all meant to be friends, we have such similar views on child birth, babywearing  breast-feeding and circumcision, which makes me feel good to know that I will have their support when our time comes. They decided not to find out the sex of their baby until he was born. They planned an at home water birth, but after being in labor from Monday morning until Friday morning River was finally delivered by cesarean.

It's amazing how you can love someone you've never met. Jose and I can't wait to meet the new addition to our family. I hope it doesn't make us baby hungry.

Milk Drunk! My favorite picture so far.
Having a baby is hard work 
Nap Time
Abuelito Pepe and his new grandson

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm Relaxing Tonight

I've wanted to write for the past two days, but I've been so busy with homework that I had to not let blogging become a distraction. Now that this week's assignment is out of the way and class is over I'm going to relax before I start the next huge assignment. 

I didn't have to make dinner because Jose baked(burned) a frozen pizza. I love him for making my long day easier. While he watches the game I'm going to watch VH1 Storytellers: Pink & Alicia Keys(for the 2nd time). If I don't fall asleep soon I may write up the posts I've had in mind. 

Relax. Good Night. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Than Just A Loss of Twinkies

Friday while so many were concerned about no longer being able to buy Twinkies, 18,5000 Hostess employees lost their jobs. Here in the local area 600 were laid off from the Ogden plant including one of my cousins and two uncles.

My family has had a long working history with the Ogden plant starting with my dad who was there for 18 years, my Tio Nato, Tio Poncho, Angel, Tiffany M., Tiffany V., Randy, and Kiki.

When I think of Wonder Bread I think of my childhood. I remember the smell of my dad coming home smelling like bread and sweat, yayas between his toes(maybe I only remember this because they tell me I would clean the fuzz out when he got home). I remember we always had bread in the house and buns for parties. My dad would hardly ever bring Hostess things home because they're not healthy for you, and now I can appreciate that.  My favorite were Raspberry Filled Donuts and the Chocolate Frosted Mini Donettes.

I can't imagine how scary it is to have a family to care for and lose your job. I hope those laid off are able to find work soon.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My 100th Post

Today was the day for our quarterly bonuses at work. My last one wasn't exceptionally great, so I wasn't expecting anything different this quarter, especially because there was talk that it was going to be even less due to some fraudulent activity that occurred. I really think the rumor was more of a scare tactic, but who knows. Anyway, we all got emails this morning linking us to our online pay statement. I logged on, but quickly exited without checking the statement. I am the type of person who likes to be surprised. I was the child that didn't want to peeked at my Christmas present. 

To make the day special we got to wear jeans and meet in the conference room for donuts, fruit and our checks. My boss was prepared with sincere appreciation and stats for how well our department performed this quarter. Little things like that make me admire the man. 

Things have been different with our finances since Jose got laid off for the winter. We expected an unemployment check, but come to find out he isn't eligible until January. We'll make it on my income and rental income, but this time of year we tend to spend more durning the holidays. I've continued to set aside tuition money, travel money for Thanksgiving in Cali, money for tires, and money for Jose's birthday so that doesn't leave much for our first world luxuries which mostly include lunch and theater popcorn + movie tickets. 

I opened that check and felt blessed and relieved. I know I shouldn't worry about money so much, I'm glad Jose helps me understand that. Now I'm ready for a little Christmas shopping. Both sides of my family decided to draw names this year. I can't wait to see who I get and of course I don't want to know who gets me because I look forward to the surprise. 

Thanks for reading my 100th post.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blog-Working Link Up

I came across an interesting idea called Blog-working, networking for bloggers. I’m always looking for blogs that interest me and this a great way to find out about active bloggers. It currently has 113 blogs linked up so click the link, add yourself, and explore what’s out there.  

Grateful For My Nephews

I only get to see them a few times a year in person, but during the in between times there's Skype and pictures. I'm one proud aunt and wish the best for these two sweethearts. 

This is Jimmy Garcia Jr.
Susie’s Son
Math Genius
Mama's Boy
This is Aaorn Garcia Jr.
Stela’s Son
Mastering Walking

Quirky Fact: Their mother’s have a thing for Garcias. 

Grateful For My Family

I’m grateful for my immediate family.


I like that I see them weekly and talk to them almost daily. They know the real cranky, loud, full of ideas—me. They are there for my successes and failures and will always tell me their honest opinion when I'm F-ing up even if it pisses me off.  I know we’re all overly involved in each other’s lives, but there are no greater friends than them.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Patty & Fabian's Wedding

It was fun to dress up and go out to Jose's cousin's wedding tonight. It was a small family wedding at the church.  I think it's funny that we call and recognize a church that we don't even belong to as "the church." I guess it's because I grew up in it and we have a lot of friends and family who are affiliated with it. 

Anyway, I love going to weddings and hearing about what it means to be a married couple. It's always a reminder of why I made the commitment I did. I'm happy we got to celebrate this special day with Patty and Fabian. The best surprise was seeing my niece. It broke my heart that she was scared of my husband the whole time, but at the end she finally gave him a chance to play with her. 

Brother Jose Luis

Mother of the bride, Baby Axel, Patty,  & Father of the bride

The tias working hard in the kitchen

Jessenia y Issac

Aaron y Axel


She only wanted her Nana

Jessenia y Damaris

Toast from the mother of the bride

Toast from the father of the bride

Tia Maria y Jose Carlos

Ruth, Maria, Me, & Martha

Jessenia & Henry

Hanky, Me & Jose

Papi y Janeece



Janny looks pissed

Cute Bunny