Friday, March 14, 2014

Baby Dedications

According to my understanding, it is customary in the Apostolic Assembly to dedicate babies to God, because they are his children. He has chosen the parents to raise his child and teach them the ways of the Lord, but they are borrowed and can be called home at any time.

A prayer of gratitude is done to thank God for such a gift and a prayer of protection over the child and parents. Sometimes they include the grandparents or godparents. Of the few things I still believe in, this ritual is okay. I'm all about showing gratitude, no matter what my beliefs are, so of course I was there in support of my family because I love these little guys.

Since it's Friday I thought I'd throw in a #flashbackfriday photo of my dedication. You can see my grandpo, Uncle Tommy, my Aunt/Godmother Diana, my mom, me, and my dad. It's been speculated that my brother was never dedicated so maybe that's why he's had such a hard time. Possible nonsense.

Okay, enough of my opinions, here are pictures from Kaleb & James's dedication.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Boundaries Challenge 1

Remember my new years resolution of setting better boundaries and sticking to them? Well, I  had to recently. I was presented with a challenge to say no.

Unfortunately my mother's grandma passed away, she asked me to go to the funeral with her in New Mexico. I said no, then felt guilty, like I wasn't being compassionate enough about her loss, so I said I'd go. I envisioned it as a nice little road trip and a chance to travel, but I kept feeling conflicted about it, because I wasn't going for the right reasons. I have very little connection with my New Mexico family. I would also have to miss my cousins' baby dedication and my friend's baby shower. I am loyal in the sense that if I say I'm going to be there, I will be there. Dependable. I felt really bad about having to give my regrets that I wouldn't be making it to these events.

 I finally questioned myself as to why I wasn't being true to what I really wanted. I had to tell my mom I wasn't going to go with her. More guilt came up when she said she wouldn't be going then if she had to go alone. I couldn't drop my plans to fulfill someone else's. As much as I struggled with that, I had to stick with my "no". I don't know how to say this in a sensitive way, so I'll just be honest. I would rather go to events of people  in my life that I know and care about, instead of going to a gathering of strangers. Even writing this I keep questioning if I sound wrong. I know I would've regretted missing out on the dedication and the baby shower.