Monday, February 12, 2018
Week 2/52
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Is this Postpartum Anxiety
I don't know if this is PPA because it's not extreme, but it never crossed my mind after Che was born. I get these ugly feelings that I might lose my children. Like they are going to die young. I can't even imagine the grief. I get anxious to leave them for fear of missing out on minutes with them. Maybe it's coming from the guilt I'm feeling about going back to work.
I mentioned the guilt to my parents. I worry that the kids will feel sad and question why I leave them. My mom asked if I remember being sad when she left us for work. I do not.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
52 Week Photos
Thursday, February 1, 2018
No Social Media Until 30
I turn 30 in 14 days. I'm really excited about it. I've decided to stay off social media until then. I want a chance to be more present and stop comparing my life to others. I've been keeping a food journal and some folders in Google Drive to keep memories but but I think I'll blog more too, for the memories. Phones are so addicting. Even though I deleted all my social media apps I am finding other ways to be distracted on my phone from journaling to reading news. I should probably stick my phone on a shelf and not use it unless it dings. I really like having it during down time though when kid cartoons are on. I'll looking for a balance.