Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marcelo James

My cousin Stephanie and her husband Marcelo welcomed their son, Marcelo James, into the world Sunday.  I teared up hearing the news. I finally met him today, and he is the sweetest thing. He looks a lot like Steph, soon we'll see if he has her hazel eyes. 

Sunday April 28, 2013 * 6:37 PM * 6 lbs 9 oz * 18 1/2 in

Baby James & Me
Uncle TJ
TJ, James, Steph, Pila

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weeknight Birthday Celebration

It was my last night of class, meaning mind numbing presentations, but I just kept reminding myself of the 9 week break ahead. I got out of class at 8:30 PM feeling tired and wanting to spend time with my husband, but it was also my little cousin's birthday and his parents were having a little celebration for him. I decided to stop by the party before going home because a lot of my extended family that I miss and don't see often enough were there. I'm glad I went, I love getting high off the love I feel for everyone. 

I bounce back and forth between adult conversation and the kids. I am the 25 year old jumping on the trampoline or playing games. Sometimes I feel like I should act more mature and sit around with the adults, but my spirit just doesn't agree. I would much rather spend my time seeing little smiles and making memories with the youngins. 

These first two pictures are of my Tio Nato, he reminded me of my dad, especially seeing how he loves playing with kids. 

Tio Nato, Enrique Jr., and Maya
Kiki, Elias, & Emily
2 years old!
This was my first time meeting my 4th cousin Emiliano

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment

A few months back I got a massage from a friend who offered me a voucher for a chiropractic consultation at her place of employment. I thought it would be interesting to try it, even though I was pretty skeptical. Since 2008 I've had this on and off pain in my tailbone area, I've discussed it with a few doctors, but they just recommended I ice it. My hopes with visiting the chiro were to find more than temporary relief.

The consultation involved x-rays that showed two things, the right one shows that I have a slight curve in my spine, but it’s not really a concern, it's the left one that helped identify the problem. It shows that my spin slopes more abruptly than usual at the bottom causing some of my facet joints to hit together which is causing the pain I feel in my lower back and tailbone. The treatment prescribed is three visits a week for the first four week, then drop it down to two visits for four weeks, then one visit a week for four weeks. 

At first I ruled out the idea because there was no way I could make it out to his office in Syracuse three times a week. I considered finding a different doctor up in Ogden, but it all worked out when I got the new job in Clearfield. 

I don’t know if it’s psychological but ever since I went to that consultation I swear my back pains have been more frequent, so I was excited to get started. My back feels pretty good other than being a little sore from being adjusted. Aside from the treatment I like the doc, he won me over with his enthusiasm for higher education for women. He’s encouraging his wife to pursue her masters and he’s already told his daughters that not going to college is not an option.

I'm curious to hear your experience with this type of alternative treatment.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ms. Health Educator

It's finally happening. Two years and four months after graduating with my bachelors I landed a health educator job. It feels good knowing I can end the search and be done with all of the interviewing.  At the beginning of March I went to the first interview, but wasn't very hopeful because you have to make it into the top 5 to be considered. I'd interviewed with this county before and was number 8. This time I made it into the top five and got called for a 2nd interview where I had to give a 10 minute presentation. They said they'd decide within two weeks, but called back three hours later offering me the position. I was beyond excited, but skeptical after what happened with the last job offer

It's starting to feel real after saying goodbye to my co-workers at TAB. We had a nice going way lunch at Wing Nutz and dessert at Beyond Glaze. I am really going to miss them. My bosses were sad as the sent off another one of their babies, who came to them so innocent, into the world. Somedays were hard, but I am leaving with so much gratitude for what I learned and the chance I had connect with so many people in the past three years. 

I hope I'm not too excited that I can't get a good night's rest. This is what I've work so hard for and it's finally mine, so you better believe I'm going to go in there and exceed their expectations.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. Autism is something that I hold dear to my heart because I have a brother-in-law with autism and I used to work as an autism aide. This month is the 5th Annual Autism Awareness Show and I'm so excited that my husband and I will be participating in the bike ride from Harley Davidson to Fisher Park. If you’re in the area please come out and support  The Northern Utah Autism Program.

I’ve attached the pre-registration form, the flyer, and the sponsorship form if you're intersted.