My employer has a great wellness program and upper management's support to back it up, which makes a huge difference. At my last place of employment a group of us started a wellness committee. It was my first professional group experience horror story. One person liked to dominate, upper management didn't care, and HR wasn't interested in prevention, they wanted intervention in the form of an on-site clinic. Now don't get me wrong the clinic turned out really nice and hopefully it's serving the employees well, but that is not going to help lower health care costs like preventative efforts would.
The things I like about this wellness program is
- every floor has fruit basket stocked with fresh fruit that you can purchase for $0.25.
- they have up to $200 wellness reimbursements if you attend a class and your screening shows that you improved your health from the previous year.
- monthly activities
I decided to participate in July's bike challenge. It was planned out perfectly that the last day of the challenge was the Antelope By Moonlight Bike Ride. I was there, but didn't get to ride because I was working, selling helmets.
I had a total of 10 rides, which I thought was pretty good, but turns out the winner had 94 rides. Either way for participating I received a $7 gas card. Most rides were by myself, but one day I biked alongside my brother on his way to work. I had a lot of fun and with the added challenge of it being a competition I was more likely to go out for a ride. I need to get back to that for my own sanity. I love using Strava to track my rides and follow other riders I know.

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